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Any situation can be powerful if you let it. If you can. If you see the beauty within the elements. If you sink into the details. If you sense the spirituality of all things.
I’ve been looking up moons for April to see why I’m up at midnight* and of course, it’s not easy to find anything on Australian seasonal reading but I did find this Melbourne event for tomorrow night:
Amplify your desires with a Guided Meditation and Intention Setting Ceremony. Join Stacey June, Broadcaster / Author, Intuitive Coach and Yoga and Meditation teacher, for a powerful and transformative evening. This popular online ceremony is launching for an intimate and exclusive in-studio practice in 2022! Stacey June guides you to utilise the power of the Full Moon’s energy to let go of whatever is not serving you, teamed with a practical guided action plan of what you would like to bring in as we manifest and meditate under the second full moon of the year.
FULL MOON INTENTION CEREMONY – April 2022 https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/full-moon-intention-ceremony-april-2022-tickets-274536143997
Again, any situation can be powerful if you let it. If you can. If you see the beauty within the elements. If you sink into the details. If you sense the spirituality of all things.
The spirituality of things, I’m talking about here, is not so much about being calm and holy. Spirituality, for me, at least, is knowing without knowing that all things at all moments are truly really more than. It’s a knowing that goes beyond the head or heart or solar plexus centres of power and connection to self-spirit-source. It is a knowing that underlies all others. That informs all others. That comes to one, before all others, as the ultimate truth of what-is. And it cannot be faked.
Which is to say, that it cannot be brought into being by intention or practices of meditation and yoga. It either is or it isn’t the way you operate at the base level — when you came in. Whatever that means.
Yes, there happens to be a full moon tonight that has a special name – Pink Moon, in Libra – but it is also true that many other occurrences are happening at this very moment that are not so obvious for which I might be up in the middle of the night. There is no real way of knowing why anything happens, ever, at least to my mind. And that’s perfectly acceptable, to me.
In fact, it’s not simply ‘acceptable,’ it’s how I operate and have (always) operated as far back as I can recall; way before/between/beyond/adjunct, complementary or simultaneous to this lifetime. Non-zero-sum causality or synchronicity or means without ends. However you want to put it into words, the idea of knowing without knowing that this is meaningful, that even this is sacred, cannot stand up to the experience of it being true in all places.
That’s not something I can teach.
That’s not something I can sell to people who want to know what it’s like.
And since …any situation can be powerful if you let it. If you can. If you see the beauty within the elements. If you sink into the details. If you sense the spirituality of all things… then neither of those things are any more or less than.
As a natural occurrence of being, knowing without knowing is not really something I can demonstrate as a representative and spokesperson when the seeing of it in action has no special outcomes come to bear. It has no specific colour or hue you could recognise in life’s light. It looks like what you can see and if all you can see is causation a la problems versus solutions then it will remain invisible until what you can see changes.
I’m not sure how that happens. In the notion of acausality, there is no set explanation for the how of change. It just is. And, more than that, it just is what can be perceived until it isn’t. Which can be confusing to talk about but totally incredible to go through.
For me, there is a cascade. It occurs or, more importantly, becomes visible whence a storm comes into view. As it brews, I have no idea what’s going on. I feel all a-flurry. Then, at some point, the storm reveals itself to be a storm and I can allow it differently.
(‘Differently’ is as close to an explanation as I can get without setting something in stone that cannot be true in all places at once. Differently, is enough.)
I can allow it and open all the doors without worrying too much that I’ll get wet or cold or blown away b/c I know that storms might do that but they also pass and they do not take anything away from me. Not anything of value, anyway.
Plus I know that there’s no ignoring it. The storm will pass through me whether I welcome it with a keyhole or a barn door-sized opening, so I might as well let the mother in all the way, with as large an opening as possible. There are times I can only do a small- to medium-sized passage, and that’s perfectly okay. There’s no award for letting everything in as quickly as possible.
Sometimes the value is in allowing what I can when I can and being in that space for as long as it takes. In fact, those conversations can be incredibly valuable. Even when it seems to be taking a long, long time. Even when other people would prefer I get over it sooner and get back to being me – the stable, happy, helpful, open-minded, consistently-acted version of me that they recognise.
But, any situation can be powerful if you let it. If you can. If you see the beauty within the elements. If you sink into the details. If you sense the spirituality of all things. So that’s that!
*I wrote this on Scrivener Sunday, April 17, 2022, @ 1:40 AM; just in case you were wondering.
I offer readings of life's raw experience by way of symbolic interpretation. My passion is caring for (and adding to) our animal rescue family.