Maybe it’s Animals
If speaking with humans means me being tired and sick…
There is a circle of /doubt/ that occurs sometime after a speaking of my truths. Usually lasting between ten minutes and twenty-three hours and, in that time, I AM “integrating dissonance” as Kenneth may say, or “triggered to be the source of my coordinate energy or energies,” as Ronda might explain it. My language is a little different.
My reality is a little different, too; but the context of my experience is often un.welcome within those two spaces – Divine Navigation and the Resonance Institute. They have their thing. They know their stuff. Comparashooting in with my story gets me thrown off the pottery wheel and flung into/onto my own version of mastery and resonance, respectively.
Which is fine. I’m not claiming a problematic dynamic. I’m talking about how this is perfect. I’m sharing, in words, in my own language, how this is all part of my process of being / alive.
With Kenneth, the call happens. The chastise happens. The excitement of being able to speak into my own truths happens. The circle of doubt happens. Coming full circle into the nature of all-that-is happens.
Or, at least, these things appear to happen. I’m unconvinced they actually happen. I’m inclined to believe that they seem to be what’s going on. For me, what’s really going on cannot be put into words or understood in terms of events and people and their ideas and actions. Put simply, what’s going on is what’s going on.
Anyway, the fruit for me is also in being able to establish my connection with another version of the story; Kenneth’s version, say, where the call happens, his advice happens, my call to resonance happens, my dissonance and integration process happens, and a new level of integrated resonance is experienced.
Kenneth: Teaching. Integration. Resonance.
Ronda: Training. Triggers. Mastery.
Me: Following instructions (which includes – Listening. Sensing. Allowing. Recognition.).
Reception. That’s the biggest portion of my experience. Receptive expression. Receptive listening. Receptive sensation. Receptive allowing. Receptive recognition. Except I’m not consciously aware of choosing these things, I’m doing them automagically, and have been since I was born (and before!).
It’s so funny thinking about it… in “the world”.
For instance, Integrated Resonance is the definition of my North coordinate and it’s also the goal or activity of focus for Kenneth’s Resonance Institute.
The two seem to tie together in the strangest of ways. Plus their tie to me, just as strange, has to do with surrender and allowing things to be which are also concepts explored through the structures of the Resonance Institute AND my divine coordinates as expressed through an identification session with a Divine Navigation coach.
Strange to think I’m identified as the experience of allowing in my approach to life (the South coordinate is about how you approach the world), and that I operate by way of surrender as a cosmological centre (surrender is the key to embodiment and integration as a practice of the first three stages of consciousness), and yet neither allowing nor surrender fully encapsulates what I go through in my approach or practice. And, stranger still, neither allowing nor surrender are accepted as modes of operation within the dominant structures of either the Resonance Institute or Divine Navigation.
It’s as if you can be you as long as you don’t poo-poo on the rug of constitutional functionality.
To be clear, I am not poo-pooing the practices. My instructions have led me to them for a reason and I find them incredibly useful prompts within my own allowing. Nor am I poo-pooing the people, Kenneth and Ronda, who I admire deeply and feel supported by in many complex ways including directly as teachers. What I am doing is allowing what comes in, what comes up for me, in the moment where I live/exist as whatever I AM, to flow into conversation with Kenneth and into practice with Ronda and noticing my instructional data on how my presence is received.
I am allowing what appears to happen. What appears to happen is what I say out loud on the live call with Kenneth. What appears to happen is how I operate with the practices of Divine Navigation Mastery. What appears to happen is what I hear Kenneth say in response to my sharing. What appears to happen is what I bring back into the circle with Ronda on the group coaching calls. And so on. Whatever is appearing to happen, I am allowing.
Allowing is everything. It’s the cascade truths, it’s the natural surrender state, it’s inclination and intuition and more than. Everything starts here — from allowing.
Hope. Essence. Allowing. Divine Connection. This is the proper order of people who normally engage with their coordinates. I’m no different in many ways. I fill with possibility, expanded by my unique luminescence, accepting the fluidic expression of my experience in divine connection, in order to blossom in sacred space. The only exception is how I come to those energies and how those energies communicate through me.
Divine Navigation is based on wounds and healing through coherence and alignment, ultimately leading to mastery. The ideas dominant in my approach of allowing, don’t identify wounds or healing. They focus upon what-is as perfect. They let what-is lead. They leave out the story of Why (the cause) and leave off before a conclusive benefit (the outcome). They don’t need either a cause or a benefit to operate. They trust what-is implicitly.
I can’t rate Despondency as a lower energy than Hope.
I don’t need a divine motivation “outcome” to engage with the practices.
My instructions are not about finding something better.
My insight is unconcerned with labelling in duality.
When I hear the Divine Navigation story of how the world is heading toward a planet populated by people who are aligned with their divine coordinates and that’s what makes our experience one of heaven on Earth… I get the equivalent of a blank stare from my insight voice. It goes quiet and gets still. It doesn’t move me in any particular direction and doesn’t have anything to say. Its only reflection feels like, “Well, you know, that is what it is, I guess”. Not very convincing either way.
The same happens when I’m told lifting to the higher resonant frequencies of my divine coordinate spectrum energies will take me into an experience of my divine coordinate itself, my soul’s ultimate calling, and propel me into my true divine life purpose. There’s no kick for me. No hook. No incentive to strive and reach any higher-level outcome or bigger purpose-driven existence. Anything beyond this moment in these instructions is of no consequence. In fact, it falls on deaf ears; silent and unmoved.
Stages one through four. This is the proper delineation normally expressed in a person’s discovery of the stages of consciousness. Again, I am no different in many ways. I experience disempowered and unintegrated (one), empowered and unintegrated (two), whole and unintegrated (three), and union (four) consciousness. The only exception is how I come to those stages and how those stages communicate through me.
The Resonance Institute is based on tipping points, impetus, a glass ceiling, and gifts until those fall away to reveal one’s own divine connection. The cosmology of surrender that operates on me does not register stages of separation. It flows. It has weather patterns and landscapes. It encounters interests and empty rooms. It has moments of allowing exasperation and moments of allowing acceptance and it encounters them both as equal and essential.
The pull to be empowered just doesn’t exist for me. I feel slack on the reins and have no map toward which to point my path. When Kenneth offers to work with me on how to experience the gifts of stages one and two — divine love and divine presence — I get that same blank stare again. That deer in headlights, not moving, no further insight state of awareness-being.
I’m sure it would be fun! I’m certain it would be a powerful(ly) unlocking experience for me. There’s no reluctance or resistance to “change”. There’s no /challenge/ or fear. There’s just no impetus to act on that invitation, and it’s that impetus I’m divined by.
I follow my instructions. I am defined by its data, moment to moment. I have no other integrations to employ. Except for what’s going on, I’m useless, pointless, purposeless and defined(less).
“Called forth into the vacuum left by the movement of all-that-is rearranging itself,” is how I put it to Kenneth on the last Zoom call. His advice was to leave out the context of my sharing. That is, to stop speaking after I have elucidated my experience, and to omit any explanation of how my sense of what’s going on is differing from the Resonance Institute version.
I can do that. I can if I am called forth into the vacuum of that. Otherwise, it’s not really a genuine act, is it? It’s just me being obedient to the human perspective. That’s not gonna happen anytime soon! But that doesn’t mean I won’t be invited to do just that in any given moment yet to present itself. We’ll see.
My homework, from Kenneth’s teaching, is to explore individuated will and to stop following my instructions by whatever means necessary. The idea is percolating, dripping out through universal rays of conscious awareness, following the path of shooting stars, being led into dark rooms and left there to see what happens in some kind of una-vessel experiment.
I feel its presence in my dreamscape, in waking moments of inspiration to seek out Nietzsche’s Will to Power and my own Will to Empower. There’s more to it than I can articulate with any verbal clarity; only the sensation exists. A vital flurry flourishing to no end.
I’m sure this will all come to something for the other people involved — for Kenneth and Ronda and all the people on the calls. I have no doubt it will turn into a meaningful story for them complete from beginning to end. Just as I’m pretty comfortable with the idea that there is only ever the ongoing conversation of what-is, for me.
I offer readings of life's raw experience by way of symbolic interpretation. My passion is caring for (and adding to) our animal rescue family.